Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi.php on line 2148
Wikka Formatting Guide
Note: Anything between 2 sets of double-quotes is not formatted.
Once you have read through this, test your formatting skills in the SandBox.
1. Text Formatting
**I'm bold**
I'm bold
I'm bold
//I'm italic text!//
I'm italic text!
I'm italic text!
And I'm __underlined__!
And I'm underlined!
And I'm underlined!
##monospace text##
monospace text
monospace text
''highlight text'' (using 2 single-quotes)
highlight text
highlight text
++Strike through text++
Strike through text
Strike through text
Press #%ANY KEY#%
@@Center text@@
Center text
2. Headers
Use between six = (for the biggest header) and two = (for the smallest header) on both sides of a text to render it as a header.
====== Really big header ======
Really big header
===== Rather big header =====
Rather big header
==== Medium header ====
Medium header
=== Not-so-big header ===
Not-so-big header
== Smallish header ==
Smallish header
3. Horizontal separator
4. Forced line break
5. Lists and indents
You can indent text using a ~, a tab or 4 spaces (which will auto-convert into a tab).
~This text is indented
~~This text is double-indented
This text is also indented
This text is indented
This text is double-indented
This text is also indentedTo create bulleted/ordered lists, use the following markup (you can always use 4 spaces instead of a ~):
Bulleted lists
~- Line one
~- Line two
- Line one
- Line two
Numbered lists
~1) Line one
~1) Line two
- Line one
- Line two
Ordered lists using uppercase characters
~A) Line one
~A) Line two
- Line one
- Line two
Ordered lists using lowercase characters
~a) Line one
~a) Line two
- Line one
- Line two
Ordered lists using roman numerals
~I) Line one
~I) Line two
- Line one
- Line two
Ordered lists using lowercase roman numerals
~i) Line one
~i) Line two
- Line one
- Line two
6. Inline comments
To format some text as an inline comment, use an indent ( ~, a tab or 4 spaces) followed by a &.
~& Comment
~~& Subcomment
~~~& Subsubcomment
- Comment
- Subcomment
- Subsubcomment
- Subcomment
7. Images
To place images on a Wiki page, you can use the image action.
{{image class="center" alt="DVD logo" title="An Image Link" url="images/dvdvideo.gif" link="RecentChanges"}}

Links can be external, or internal Wiki links. You don't need to enter a link at all, and in that case just an image will be inserted. You can use the optional classes left and right to float images left and right. You don't need to use all those attributes, only url is required while alt is recommended for accessibility.
8. Links
To create a link to a wiki page you can use any of the following options:
- type a WikiName:
- add a forced link surrounding the page name by [[ and ]] (everything after the first space will be shown as description):
[[SandBox Test your formatting skills]]
Test your formatting skills
[[SandBox 沙箱]]
- add an image with a link (see instructions above).
To link to external pages, you can do any of the following:
- type a URL inside the page:
- add a forced link surrounding the URL by [[ and ]] (everything after the first space will be shown as description):
[[ Jenna's Home Page]]
Jenna's Home Page
[[ Write me!]]
Write me!
- add an image with a link (see instructions above);
- add an interwiki link (browse the list of available interwiki tags):
9. Tables
The table action has been deprecated as of Wikka version 1.2 and has been replaced with the syntax that follows. Please visit the Wikka documentation server for information about the older table action.
Tables can be created using two pipe (||) symbols. Everything in a single line is rendered as a table row.
||Cell 1||Cell 2||
Cell 1 | Cell 2 |
Header cells can be rendered by placing an equals sign between the pipes.
|=|Header 1|=|Header 2||
||Cell 1||Cell 2||
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Cell 1 | Cell 2 |
Row and column spans are specified with x: and y: in parentheses just after the pipes.
|=| |=|(x:2)Columns||
|=|(y:2) Rows||Cell 1||Cell 2||
||Cell 3||Cell 4||
Columns | ||
Rows | Cell 1 | Cell 2 |
Cell 3 | Cell 4 |
Many additional features are available using table markup. A more comprehensive table markup guide is available on this server's TableMarkup page. A complete syntax reference is available on this server's TableMarkupReference page.
10. Colored Text
Colored text can be created using the color action:
{{color c="blue" text="This is a test."}}
This is a test.
This is a test.
You can also use hex values:
{{color hex="#DD0000" text="This is another test."}}
This is another test.
This is another test.
Alternatively, you can specify a foreground and background color using the fg and bg parameters (they accept both named and hex values):
{{color fg="#FF0000" bg="#000000" text="This is colored text on colored background"}}
This is colored text on colored background
This is colored text on colored background
{{color fg="yellow" bg="black" text="This is colored text on colored background"}}
This is colored text on colored background
This is colored text on colored background
11. Floats
To create a left floated box, use two < characters before and after the block.
<<Some text in a left-floated box hanging around<< Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.
Some text in a left-floated box hanging around
Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.Example:
>>Some text in a right-floated box hanging around>> Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.
Some text in a right-floated box hanging around
Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.12. Code formatters
You can easily embed code blocks in a wiki page using a simple markup. Anything within a code block is displayed literally.
To create a generic code block you can use the following markup:
%% This is a code block %%.
This is a code block
To create a code block with syntax highlighting, you need to specify a code formatter (see below for a list of available code formatters).
echo "Hello, World!";
echo "Hello, World!";
You can also specify an optional starting line number.
echo "Hello, World!";
echo "Hello, World!";
- <?php
- echo "Hello, World!";
- ?>
If you specify a filename, this will be used for downloading the code.
echo "Hello, World!";
echo "Hello, World!";
test.php (line 15)
- <?php
- echo "Hello, World!";
- ?>
List of available code formatters:
Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w00bdc47/castellanis/actions/table.php on line 26
ABAP | abap | Actionscript | actionscript | ADA | ada |
Apache Log | apache | AppleScript | applescript | ASM | asm |
ASP | asp | AutoIT | autoit | Axapta/Dynamics Ax X++ | xpp |
Bash | bash | BlitzBasic | blitzbasic | BNF | bnf |
C | c | C for Macs | c_mac | c# | csharp |
C++ | cpp | C++ (QT extensions) | cpp-qt | CAD DCL | caddcl |
CadLisp | cadlisp | CFDG | cfdg | ColdFusion | cfm |
CSS | css | D | d | Delphi | delphi |
Diff-Output | diff | DIV | div | DOS | dos |
dot | dot | Eiffel | eiffel | Fortran | fortran |
FOURJ's Genero 4GL | genero | FreeBasic | freebasic | GML | gml |
Groovy | groovy | Haskell | haskell | HTML | html4strict |
INI | ini | IO | io | Inno Script | inno |
Java 5 | java5 | Java | java | Javascript | javascript |
LaTeX | latex | Lisp | lisp | Lua | lua |
Matlab | matlab | Microchip Assembler | mpasm | Microsoft Registry | reg |
mIRC | mirc | Motorola 68000 Assembler | m68k | MySQL | mysql |
NSIS | nsis | Objective C | objc | OpenOffice BASIC | oobas |
Objective Caml | ocaml | Objective Caml (brief) | ocaml-brief | Oracle 8 | oracle8 |
Pascal | pascal | Per (forms) | per | Perl | perl |
PHP | php | PHP (brief) | php-brief | PL/SQL | plsql |
Python | phyton | Q(uick)BASIC | qbasic | robots.txt | robots |
Ruby | ruby | Ruby on Rails | rails | SAS | sas |
Scheme | scheme | sdlBasic | sdlbasic | SmallTalk | smalltalk |
Smarty | smarty | SQL | sql | TCL/iTCL | tcl |
T-SQL | tsql | Text | text | thinBasic | thinbasic |
Unoidl | idl | VB.NET | vbnet | VHDL | vhdl |
Visual BASIC | vb | Visual Fox Pro | visualfoxpro | WinBatch | winbatch |
XML | xml | ZiLOG Z80 | z80 |
13. Mindmaps
Wikka has native support for mindmaps. There are two options for embedding a mindmap in a wiki page.
Option 1: Upload a FreeMind file to a webserver, and then place a link to it on a wikka page:
No special formatting is necessary.
Option 2: Paste the FreeMind data directly into a wikka page:
- Open a FreeMind file with a text editor.
- Select all, and copy the data.
- Browse to your Wikka site and paste the Freemind data into a page.
14. Embedded HTML
You can easily paste HTML in a wiki page by wrapping it into two sets of doublequotes.
""[html code]""
""y = x<sup>n+1</sup>""
y = xn+1
y = xn+1
""<acronym title="Cascade Style Sheet">CSS</acronym>""
By default, some HTML tags are removed by the SafeHTML parser to protect against potentially dangerous code. The list of tags that are stripped can be found on the SafeHTML documentation page.
It is possible to allow all HTML tags to be used, see Docs:UsingHTML for more information.
15. Anzeigen einer spamsicheren Emailadresse
Man kann eine Emailadresse so anzeigen lassen, dass sie (noch) nicht von Spamdatenkraken ausgelesen werden kann. Dazu muss im Browser, mit dem man sich die Seite anschaut, allerdings Javascript erlaubt sein (ist bei fast allen Browsern standardmäßig eingeschaltet).
{{email benutzer domain}}
Die Eingabe von
{{email miro}}
ergibt16. Anlegen und Verwaltung von Gruppen
Anstelle in den ACLs (Access Controle Lists) jede Person, die Lese- oder Schreibrechte auf der Seite haben soll, einzeln zur ACL der Seite hinzuzufügen, kann man auch eine Gruppe an Personen anlegen und dieser Gruppe Rechte mittels der ACL einer Seite zuweisen.
Um eine Gruppe anzulegen, muss man eine Wikiseite anlegen. Auf dieser Wikiseite listet man dann zeilenweise die Benutzerkontennamen der Personen auf, die zu der Gruppe gehören sollen. Zu beachten ist dabei, dass jeder Benutzername von beidseitig von einem Pluszeichen eingerahmt werden muss.
Zuerst legt man die Wikiseite "BenutzerGruppeNSC" an. Dieser Seite gibt man dann folgenden Inhalt:
Um eine Gruppe in einer ACL zu verwenden, trägt man nun lediglich den Namen der Gruppe in das entsprechende Feld in die ACL einer Seite ein. Möchte man beispielsweise, dass die Seite "NSCBriefing" nur von Mitgliedern gelesen werden kann, die in der Benutzergruppe der NSC ist, so müsste man lediglich in die Spalte "Read ACL:" den Eintrag "BenutzerGruppeNSC" machen (ohne Anführungszeichen).
17. Umgehen (Auskommentieren) von Funktionszeichenfolgen (Tags)
Angenommen ihr möchtet einen Text schreiben in dem leider eine Zeichenfolge ist, die im Wiki irgendeine Funktion auslöst.
Ihr möchtet den Satz "Ich finde PedroCastellani voll gut" schreiben, allerdings ohne das "PedroCastellani" plötzlich als Wiki-Seite verlinkt wird.
Um dieses Problem zu umgehen, könnt ihr in der Bearbeitungsansicht die betroffene Zeichenfolge beidseitig mit doppelten Anführungszeichen versehen - diese tauchen dann in der normalen Ansicht der Seite nicht auf. Im folgenden Beispiel ist PedroCastellani mit doppelten Anführungszeichen eingerahmt worden:
Ich finde PedroCastellani voll gut.